Thursday, January 17, 2008

Comcast and Castro Valley

Well, I've been with Comcast for as long as I can remember, and when I was living in Berkeley, everything was great! That changed quickly once I moved to Hayward; and the reason being Hayward/Castro Valley has the oldest cable infrastructure, which just goes to mean that the Comcast customers living in this particular region will get the worst of it all. They are constantly fixing the cable lines, and we get the worst of HD selections.

So I need to change over to Direct. I've been meaning to do that for the past months now! OK. February is the month when I will switch over.

In the meantime, I am on the phone with a Comcast tech every other week, and in the end, there is really nothing that they can do to help! How frustrating! Well, I do enjoy the occasional break from work to go out to a nearby Starbucks and work from there, as they get more reliable Internet connectivity via Tmobile... and not to mention, I get to see other fellow human beings.
The real reason for this post was that I was really excited to find a cool feature in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom where it allows me to easily upload the photos to the web!

Ah well. Perhaps next time.

In the meantime, I ought to re-touch the photos with Adobe, but then again, do I have to?


Joshua Park said...

you're always welcome to work at my place to use internet. :D

i just realized my page ( color scheme is identical as yours... i'll change it later when i have some time to play.

Daniel Koo said...

yay! you have a blog too!! :) Sorry about the color. Hmm. Let me know and I can change too. :D