Time sure flies; it had already been one year since our wedding... (well, technically, the one year anniversary was about two months ago from today... but due to personal reasons I was not able to write about it until now...)

I had a few things planned out for the day, but when it came down to it, I ended up taking her out to a cute little restaurant, and giving her a small necklace as a present, which wasn't much but I wanted to share with her that although our beginning may be small, I was excited to see great things that God has in store for our family in the future...

So I had made a reservation at a small restaurant in SF called Cafe Jacqueline, which specializes in Souffle, and I thought, hey, what a great opportunity to find out what souffle is all about! And not to mention, the place had great lighting and romantic settings! Terrific place for dates and night-time photography enthusiasts!

Here is a picture of a dessert souffle that we had after our meal; for dinner, we had a mushroom souffle which was just as big and quite delicious! We were so full by the time we received the dessert that I actually had the time to take a picture of it before eating it. And we had to box most of the dessert back home, but when I had it a few days later, it was still just as good!!!

We were so full that by the time we got home and looked at our frozen cake, we were unable to complete our one-year-anniversary tradition of eating the cake... (you know, where you freeze the top portion of your cake for one year and then eat it at the one year anniversary day...) but we ended up eating it a day or two later.

In the end, I can say that we are still a happily married couple of one year, looking forward to many many years together, growing old together... and I can say that in many ways, I have learned to love my wife, more now than ever before.
That was a precious post.
Congrats to the both of you :)...and of course many wishes for all the wonderful years to come, you two :)
Enjoy these lovely romantic outings...when us (Michelle & Daniel) becomes us +1...well, no more cute SF boutique restaurants that serve souffle.
Happy Anniversary!
Congrats you romantic!
Small beginnings? You guys are blessed.
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