We stopped by a small pancake store on our way from Georgia to Alabama in the middle of the night, as we landed in Atlanta late in the evening, then we had to drive to Alabama. So we had to stop by and eat!

Golf is life, here in small town of Luverne, Alabama. After all, there is not much else to do here!

We always try to come during Christmas season because it is my dad's birthday... and this time, one of his coworker's family was with us to eat and celebrate, and their daughter who treats my parents like grandparents, is giving my dad a kiss for the birthday! Cute!

Now, here we are, preparing to leave for Florida, minivan packed full with food and fishing gears.

It was a little gloomy and overcast, but the ocean and the view from where we were staying at, was simply awesome.

Every dinner we would cook what we caught, but it turns out we couldn't catch any fish!!! At least, not until the last day. So we ended up cooking the meat we brought, as well as seafood we bought at a local seafood store, which was really good!

Fishing was relaxing, but could've been better had we caught some fish... :-)

At night, we went out to catch crabs, and while waiting for them, I took this picture. Though there wasn't enough light, I was able to place my camera on a flat surface and the picture came out relatively well!

During the daytime, when we weren't fishing, we went out to play by the sea. Although I was hoping for warmer water, it was quite cold!

So not having caught any fish, on our way home, we decided to stop by one final location, under a bridge, to give a final shot at fishing. And a miracle! I finally caught a fish! Now we can all go home happy. :-)

1 comment:
Michelle does not look pregnant! Tell her she looks great :).
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