We don't travel often.
My job certainly gave me a lot more opportunities to travel and see the world, but we don't do leisurely travel. I suppose it is just not in our DNA.
In any case, we found a time and an opportunity for a quick trip up to Reno. Although snowboarding was my primary reason, it was also just to get away from the daily routines and smell the fresh air.

We ended up spending a lot of time walking around Reno, and eating a lot. At first we wanted to save money and do grocery shopping and eat at our place, but once we found good deals in many different Reno hotels,

we just had to go for the steaks and other dinner specials! And this trip we learned that every third Saturday of the month, they have a River Walk, where with a cheap fee, you can walk around the downtown shops and taste different wines that various participating stores has to offer. The whole town seemed very lively, with a lot of folks walking around with a wine glass in their hands.

We did end up snowboarding on our second day of Reno trip, but the snow was slush and to me, that's one of the worst conditions, next to snow being icy. But then again, it could've been worse.
Homewood was good, but very crowded. Other than the slush snow, everything was very excellent. I wish I had taken the camera up with me, for Homewood is known for a great view, from the top of the mountain, but I hadn't boarded in ages, so we decided to stay safe and keep the camera in the car.

Then we drove around Lake Tahoe for a bit, taking pictures. It was an awesome day, and so sunny that it was a bit difficult to control the aperture. Something I am still learning.
I've tried to capture the calmness of the lake; when I gaze into the lake and the snow covered mountains on the other side, I feel like I can forget about all my troubles back at home, and just enjoy the peace of God, through His mighty creations.
Not that I had any trouble back at home...