There was a couple of kids who left US to go back to Korea, just as I started the new class. And then one by one, more had to go back to Korea, as their parents had finished what they came to do, and it was time for the family to return home.
This time around, it was time for Sharon to return home, and so we gathered to say farewell. Not sure if I will get to see her again sometime soon, but we all can only hope.

I hate saying good-bye, because it always leaves us hanging. We are still surrounded by the memories they have left behind; whereas they are now surrounded with new surroundings, new friends, new challenges and changes, but the only change we get is the feeling that we have lost something...
I guess returning home is different, but leaving to a new place ain't all it's cracked up to be. Trust me.
I suppose I've only been able to see things from one end of the spectrum... :)
It's a good thing you went to the Korean Group..."I've had learn to say good-byes..."
No speak-uh Engrish good!
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