Well, given the whole economy and all, we've decided to stay frugal; not to mention how we splurged ourselves over the Christmas and Michelle's birthday, and I still wanted to do something special for her, so I decided to make something special for her on Valentine night.
Seriously, when we go out for Valentines, it's at least ~80 dollars per person, and of course I am not just going to sit there and watch her eat. I can certainly spare more than that on someone I love. A whole world would be not enough to give, if it were really up to me. But we just thought that it didn't make sense for us. At least not now. So she graciously accepted the offer.
And so this is what I created:

Baby potato, beef tenderloin with custom sauce, fresh salad with custom balsamic vinegar dressing, and goat-cheese spread bread.
Though it was crazy trying to make everything right and come out at the same time, but in the end, she was a happy camper. Oh, and I had to make enough for four; we decided to enjoy the "Family" valentines with my sister and Josh.
Our first married Valentines was a very much family-oriented one. We loved it!
indeed, it was a very special valentine's day for all four of us! :D great food, fun time, and wonderful people.
What shall we do for next Valentines??? :-)
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