In case you did not know, Michelle is pregnant.
The news came one pleasant Saturday morning when Michelle insisted in taking yet another pregnancy test.

So while I was still sleeping, she tested, and came a pleasant surprise! My initial reaction to the news may not have been all that excited, but my head was still cloudy from just waking up, and while looking for the right words to say and describe my excitement, I instead chose to run out of the room, grab my camera, and tried to capture the exciting moment.
After all, the excitement will fade, memories will fade, but pictures will remain.

I am happy, for our family, for my wife, and for the child, but at this point, it still feels surreal; after all, I haven't seen the actual results of the ultrasound (still too early) and it's not like Michelle's tummy is going to show for another few months... but little by little, I think the idea of having an additional member to our family is settling in nicely, and we frequently play the baby name game, trying to come up with a good one, but I am sure all this thinking/worrying/planning will melt-away and be worth it simply when the baby arrives.
this is so awesome. congrats!
Papa Koo Jipsanim, congrats!
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